Since 1993 our goal has been to provide our clients, among which one can find both enterprises and private citizens, with a wide range of services in legislative, economic and labour fields.
Our professional way has been guided by reliability and commitment. Throughout our history we have always been challenged to exceed clients expectations.
Our vast experience and skillful staff enable us to facilitate the achievement of your objectives in most efficient way.
Our collaboration´s relations with professionals offices of the juridical world allow us to offer you this service with total guarantee.
Social Qualified Graduate to the Universitat Pompeu i Fabra
Countable Technician and membre of the AECE
Practical Taxation realized in Centre d´Estudis Financers
Countable Technician
Passatge Mercè Rodoreda Nº 18 - Entlo. 1ª
08860 Castelldefels(Barcelona)
93 665 63 13
93 665 64 11
Los datos de carácter personal que se faciliten por correo electrónico mediante el siguiente formulario, quedarán registrados en un fichero de SERVIGEST, S.C.C.L., con la finalidad de contestar a las consultas. Por ello pueden ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación u oposición ante SERVIGEST, S.C.C.L. en Pasaje Mercè Rodoreda, nº 18, entlo. 1ª – 08860 de Castelldefels (Barcelona).